Vision For SRA

Our Vision

Our Vision is a world in which Rohingya people and other persecuted minorities in Myanmar/Burma can live free of genocide and discrimination and their human rights are restored. The Swedish Rohingya Association(SRA) is an ideal, non- governmental, non-party bounded and non-profit organization for transforming Rohingya community into agents of change, universal values, and democracy. We work on gaining Solidarity for Rohingya in Sweden and providing innovative education from grassroot level to possible higher level to the Rohingya people in Myanmar and refugee camps in Bangladesh. There are three primary needs for Rohingya: emergency reliefs, sustainable development and political solutions. All of these needs are interlinked. A considerable number of organizations including UN agencies as well as individual donors have been active in providing emergency reliefs. Similarly, there have been numerous global campaigns for political solutions. Unfortunately, initiatives focusing on sustainable development and political solutions for Rohingya are almost non– existence everywhere. Thus, we work on planting seeds of Universal and Democratic Values in the daily life of Rohingyaa people.